Reasons to raise chickens

15 Reasons Why You Should Start Raising Chickens

As the desire to become more self-sufficient increases around the world, more people than ever are finding ways to cut back on their needs and looking into more sustainable living options. One huge aspect of sustainable living is the ability to grow your own food. In cities especially it’s a little harder to go all out with a full farm but even the smallest of backyards can support some garden beds and now apparently even chickens.

Raising chickens in the backyard is a trend that has skyrocketed over the past couple of years. They are small, easy, and mostly independent creatures leading many to bring these egg-producing machines into their home for a pet that actually gives back. Raising chickens can be fulfilling as one more step towards self-independence but also practical. If you haven’t already been convinced, after reading these next 15 reasons why you should start raising chickens too, you will probably already be half-way through building the chicken coop!

1.  Farm Fresh Eggs

Need we say more? There’s a reason this wording is used throughout the world of egg marketing. You can’t get fresher than cooking up some eggs that were collected hours before.

2.  Connect to your food

As our world gets more distant from the source, it’s becoming more and more important to connect to your food. Chickens are great for connecting you to the eggs you eat and yes, even the chicken you eat too.

3.  Natural tick control

It just so happens that pests like ticks and little annoying garden grubs are a chicken’s favorite snack. So if you let your hens roam around your yard, not only will they be able to find more nutrients to sustain themselves but they will also be slowly tackling any tick problem you might’ve had.

4.  Teach your children about the process

There’s no better way to learn about something than by experience. Chickens are a great way to educate your kids about one of the food making processes and that eggs don’t, in fact, grow in the grocery store.

5. Cheap pets to take care of

While the initial costs of building a chicken coop can vary, the overall maintenance costs of chickens are fairly low. Give them some grain, fill their water, and let them roam the yard for extra nutrients.

6. Support true cruelty-free practices

The harsh reality is that even when a package is marked as “cruelty-free” that’s not always the case. It’s said that less than 1% of chickens in the US are actually free range. Having your own chickens guarantees that you are not only using products from a true cruelty-free standpoint but also you are providing a couple animals the beautiful access to a free-range lifestyle.

7. Chickens are pets that give back

Sure dogs are fun and cats are cute, but what do they do to benefit you? Chickens can be a fun pet that also happens to give back for your care. They basically pay for themselves!

8. Build a social community

From your neighbors who are your new besties for you starting an easy source of farm-fresh eggs (if you decide to start sharing or selling your products) to the people you’ll meet from bonding over your pets, having chickens can build a social aspect too.

9. Learn greater self-sustainability

Having your own source of eggs is the first step towards greater self-sustainability. Hey, if the apocalypse happens at least you have protein?

10. A source of therapy

Animal therapy is a real thing and chickens are no different. They have already been used to help those with autism and assist the elderly through their calming, therapeutic natures.

11. Weed control

Similar to their laborious work as pest control, chickens can also help get rid of invasive weed species. Along with snacking on weed seeds, their constant clawing and scratching of the ground helps to disperse any other seeds that have blown into their garden so that they don’t grow. Just call them a gardener’s favorite sidekick!

12. Cut down on food waste

The sad appearance of food waste is a huge issue around the world. Chickens love to eat most food scraps such as vegetable peelings, beans, rice, bread, cooked pasta, and the list goes on. As long as you stay away from animal products, you can dispose of your leftover food scraps in a good way while also nourishing your pets.

13. Free fertilizer

Further enforcing their standing as a gardener’s best friend, chicken manure is highly nutrient-dense and so it’s classed as some of the best manure for fertilizer in the world! It’s estimated that having between 5-10 chickens can provide enough manure to fertilize a vegetable garden and yard for the entire year.

14. Even their eggshells are useful

With all these farm fresh eggs, you’re ultimately going to end up with a ton of empty eggshells too. Did you know those can be put to practical use as well? Coarsely ground eggshells can be placed in your garden for additional fertilizer and to deter pests.

You can also use empty eggshells as cheap seed starter pots by strategically cracking off just the top so that it makes a bowl shape. Then once the seeds outgrow these “pots” you can just plant them in the ground with the shell and all.

15. They’re fun!

If you have ever been around chickens you will know how curious and silly of creatures they are. For animals that are commonly thought of as food, when you have them as pets, you will start to notice how each individual chicken has its own personality. They are a constant source of entertainment from the sassy Rooster calls in the morning to their funny little runs when they see something good to eat. Chickens are an all-around fun pet to have.

Between the draw of farm fresh eggs and a form of natural tick control, chickens are a fun and practical addition to any backyard. Though it’s important to first check with your local zoning office for any limitations and with your neighbors just to be nice, adding backyard chickens can grace your family with food and fun for years to come.