Budget friendly ideas for backyard parties

12 Fun and Budget-Friendly Ideas for Backyard Parties

Who doesn’t love a backyard party? As the weather warms, summer is the best season for outdoor parties with friends and family. Your backyard is the perfect spot to entertain whether you’re throwing a fun kids-filled birthday party or simply hosting a couple of friends over for some drinks.

Though, especially when your house is the spot to be, all that hosting can start to add up for a fairly pricey ticket. However, don’t let that fear hold you back from making your house the favorite hangout spot this summer. There are plenty of party ideas that will provide hours of entertainment for any type of get-together but also won’t hurt your wallet either. Steal some of these ideas for your next fun and budget-friendly festivity.

1. Set up an outdoor movie

An outdoor movie is a fun activity on a warm summer night for a friends get-together or just the family. All it takes is a projector, a DVD, and a screen. You can either choose to rent a blow-up screen or go the more budget-friendly path and just hang a sheet against a wall or draped over a tree branch. Lay down some blankets, lawn chairs, and pillows for the best seats in the house.

2. Yard Twister

Easily start a game of Twister outside by creating the circles on the grass with marking paint. The best thing about this Twister game is that you can change the size to match the players. This makes this great idea a fun twist for parties of all ages.

3. Use K-Cups as party lights

Start saving those used K-Cups for a fun and cheap alternative to expensive outdoor lanterns. Use scissors to poke a hole at the bottom and pop them onto a string of your colorful Christmas lights you hauled out from the basement. Hang them up across your patio for a cute colorful light setup.

4. Keep drinks cool with frozen water balloons

There’s nothing worse than reaching for a warm drink on a sweltering day. An easy and innovative fix is to fill up water balloons and freeze them beforehand. Not only are these a cheaper and cuter alternative to ice, but then even when the ice melts, you’re all ready for #5!

5. Throw a water balloon fight

In the high heat of the summer, water balloon fights have been a favorite activity for kids and adults alike. Since you can buy a package of balloons for just about a dollar and water is free this is almost the most budget-friendly party activity you could choose. Though what you save in dollars, you will probably be paying for in the time spent picking up all the water balloon pieces.

6. Have a campout

Set up a tent in your backyard and turn a backyard birthday party into an exciting wilderness adventure. Find some old mystery books for some good old scary stories around the campfire. Then throw in a package of hotdogs and supplies to make Smores and you’re guaranteed to have a party all the kids will be talking about.

7. Create an outdoor photo “booth”

String up a frame to hang from a tree to make an instant outdoor photo booth for any party. Buy a couple of cheap accessories like giant glasses or hats for the party attendees to dress up in the photos. Even more budget-friendly,  just dig out some fun stuff from your own closet.

8. Make DIY can lanterns

Save some of your old cans before your next party to make some cute and cheap lanterns. After washing them out, fill each can up with water and let it freeze overnight. Then wrap the can in a towel and use a hammer and nail to punch holes in it. Once you dethawed the ice block, light a candle, and place it inside for a creative DIY light solution.

9. Self-Serve Sangria

No backyard party is complete without a self-serve drink station. Fruity Sangria is made to be enjoyed ice cold while you’re outside on a hot summer day. Find a delicious Sangria recipe and fill the pitcher up with plenty of colorful fruit to make it look pretty. Since there is so much added into the recipe, it’s fine to use an inexpensive bottle of wine and no one will even know!

10. Host a potluck BBQ

BBQs are a fun gathering but not so budget-friendly I’d you’re there one providing all the food. Hosting a potluck BBQ helps spread out the food cost among all your guests. Plus, it’s a great way to try interesting new dishes. Just be sure to confirm what everyone is bringing ahead of time so you don’t end up with five dishes of Coleslaw.

11. Keep food chilled with a pool raft

For an easy and cheaper alternative to a YETI cooler, use one of the smaller pool rafts to fill with ice and set food dishes on top of. This helps keeps food cold and fresh so you can let it sit out throughout the whole party. Then the inflatable floaty will also help insulate the ice making it last colder longer.

12. Dance Party

A dance party is affordable, fun, and something everyone can enjoy. Set up a playlist of your favorite tunes a couple of days before the party to help start an instant dance party when the music comes on. Or even better, reach out to your guests before the party and ask them for one or two of their favorite songs to add to the playlist. No one can resist jumping up and getting down on the dance floor when their favorite song starts playing.

Being a stellar host doesn’t have to break your bank every time you want to have people over. From campouts and water balloon fights to potluck BBQs with secretly inexpensive Sangria stations, there are numerous ways to throw a memorable party while still watching your budget.

Remember some of these for the next time your kids want to have their friends over and know you have some great options.